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How to manually migrate your words and progress from Wokabulary 5


This only applies to “Wokabulary 5 — Legacy”, not to the current Wokabulary app.

When you first launch Wokabulary, all your existing data from Wokabulary 5 will automatically be imported.

However, if you decide to keep using Wokabulary 5 for a bit longer and later want to switch to the current Wokabulary, this imported data will be outdated, and you will want to re-import your data.

In Wokabulary 5

Go to Settings and click the Learn more button in the announcement banner for the new Wokabulary.

Screenshot of Wokabulary 5 on iPhone with a highlight on the Learn More button in the Settings.

Screenshot of Wokabulary 5 on macOS with a highlight on the Learn More button in the Settings.

In the new Wokabulary announcement panel, click on Export vocabularies at the bottom and save the export data.

Screenshot of the migration info in Wokabulary 5 on iPhone with a highlight on the Export vocabularies button

Screenshot of the migration info in Wokabulary 5 on macOS with a highlight on the Export vocabularies button

In the new Wokabulary

In the new Wokabulary click the import button in the toolbar and select the vocabulary file you want to migrate from the Wokabulary 5 Export folder. It contains one .wokvj file for each of your vocabularies, and you can import them individually.

Screenshot of Wokabulary on iPhone with the Import button in the toolbar highlighted

Screenshot of Wokabulary on macOS with the Import button in the toolbar highlighted
Import on macOS


Note that when you import a .wokvj file, Wokabulary will create a new vocabulary for this.

If you already had vocabularies in Wokabulary, you probably want to delete these after a successful import. You can manage your vocabularies in Settings → Languages