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How can I upgrade or cancel my subscription?

You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription any time from the Manage Subscription… button on the Subscription view in Wokabulary.

Screenshot of the Subscription screen in Wokabulary on iPhone, depicting the Manage Subscription button.

Alternatively, you can manage all your subscriptions in
System Settings → Apple ID → Subscriptions (on iPhone and iPad) or
System Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → Subscriptions (on macOS)

Upgrading your subscription

When you upgrade your subscription, the new plan will take effect immediately.

Apple will refund you for the already paid remaining time of your previous subscription.

This is also explained in the purchase confirmation dialog on the iPhone / iPad. On the Mac, however, it is less transparent.

Downgrading or Canceling your subscription

When you downgrade or cancel your subscription, this change will only take effect when your current subscription period ends. You can continue using Wokabulary Unlimited for the remaining time.

Requesting a Refund

If you accidentally purchased a subscription, you can request a refund from Apple on

The exact process is described on


Please note that all purchases on the App Store are processed by Apple.

App developers have no access to the purchase data and can neither change a customer’s purchase nor trigger any refunds.

We do our best to assist when our users have problems with their purchases. However, often all we can do is refer to the Apple App Store Support, unfortunately.